

2013年11月22日11:45 | 中國發展門戶網 www.chinagate.cn | 給編輯寫信 字號:T|T
關鍵詞: 中國(海南)改革研究院 中改院 外交部 劉勁松 國家安全委員會 國安會  十八屆三中全會 十八屆 三中全會

11月21日,中國(海南)改革研究院在京舉行“改革新起點、新突破——中改院改革形勢分析會”。圖為中國社會科學院農村發展研究所宏觀室室主任黨國英發言。(沈小敏 攝)

A policy seminar entitled “Starting Points and Breakthroughs in China’s Reforms” was held by one of China’s reform think tanks – the China Institute for Reform and Development in Beijing, on Oct. 21. Dang Guoying, Chief of Macro Research Section in Rural Development Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences speaks at the seminar. [Photo taken by Shen Xiaomin]

中國網/中國發展門戶網2013年11月22日訊 (記者 王振紅) 黨的十八屆三中全會是改革進入深水區、攻堅期召開的一次“關鍵性會議”,全會公報和《決定》勾畫了中國未來的改革方向及路線圖。11月21日,中國(海南)改革研究院在京舉行“改革新起點、新突破”分析會。眾多專家學者齊聚一堂,對未來中國的改革形勢進行了深入分析。

The Third Plenary Session of the 18thCPC Central Committee is a key meeting for China to deepen reform for long-term, sustainable and sound economic growth and social progress. The policy document, published by the CPC Central Committee, with the title "decision on major issues concerning comprehensively deepening reforms" charts a roadmap for China’s future reform. A policy seminar titled “Searching for New Opportunities amid Reforms of China” was held by one of China’s reform think tanks – the China Institute for Reform and Development in Beijing,onOct. 21. Experts and scholars gathered there and shared their in-depth analysis on China’s future reform. [China.org.cn / chinagate.cn by Wang Zhenhong. Translated by Zhang Yunyun]

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