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??? 編者按:過去的一周,在惡劣的天氣條件下,北京和中、東部地區很多城市都經歷了嚴重的空氣污染。數個空氣質量監測點都出現PM2.5爆表的情況。這種前所未有的嚴重污染引發了國內外媒體的廣泛關注和報道,很多市民也表達了對惡劣空氣質量的不滿。國際清潔交通委員會高級研究員Vance Wagner撰文提出,應對霧霾天氣機動車減排的兩大短期舉措。
國際清潔交通委員會高級研究員Vance Wagner提出,在短期內,兩項舉措可以大幅改善北京乃至全國的空氣質量。
以上提到的短期舉措還不足以根治中國長期的機動車排放問題。上個月,中國在《重點區域大氣污染防治“十二五”規劃》中提出了一系列強有力的區域空氣質量改善措施。雖然規劃列出的多項措施較過去有了長足的進步,但并未提出中國中長期機動車減排的關鍵一步,即建立一個明確的引入全球最先進車輛尾氣排放標準(國6或歐6)的全國性時間表 。只有實施這些標準,污染最嚴重的道路車輛包括重型柴油貨車和客車才能安裝上至少能減排99%顆粒物排放的顆粒物過濾裝置。
2 Steps to Control Motor Vehicle Emissions
Editor‘s notes: Earlier January, several consecutive days of smoggy weather choked Beijing’s air, as readings for PM2.5, or airborne particles measuring less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, exceeded maximum reading levels in many areas throughout the city.
Vance Wagner, a senior researcher with the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), proposed two steps in cutting vehicle emissions would make a near-term difference in improving air quality in Beijing and throughout China.
The first step is to issue new fuel quality standards with supporting fiscal policies. This will reduce nationwide diesel sulfur levels to below 10 parts-per-million (ppm).
"In 2011, China's State Council announced that preferential fiscal policies would be utilized to encourage the supply of higher quality fuels nationwide. However, these fiscal policies have not yet been issued; a new fuel quality standard is stalled in the review phase; and nationwide diesel fuel sulfur levels continue to stagnate at unacceptable levels of 350ppm or higher. Resolving the fuel quality issue is a critical step to facilitate continued progress in vehicle emission control in China," he explained.
The second step is to ensure that the IV truck and bus emission standards are implemented this year without further delays.
China's next stage nationwide tailpipe emission standard for trucks and buses, called "China IV" (equivalent to "Euro IV"), aims to cut emissions of PM and NOx from diesel vehicles by 30% and 80%, respectively. However, since these vehicles need to be fueled with higher quality fuel which is not yet supplied nationwide, introduction of these standards has been twice delayed across the country.
Wagner urged that in parallel with resolving the fuel quality issue, China should commit to introducing these standards without any additional delays.
"Until China takes critical steps towards reducing emissions, poor average air quality and occasional 'crazy bad' episodes will continue," he said.
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