"Internet Plus" action plan
We will develop the "Internet Plus" action plan to integrate the mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing, to encourage the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial networks, and Internet baking, and to guide Internet-based companies to increase their presence in the international market.
Key figures for China's economy in 20152015中國經濟關鍵數字
7%: Increase GDP by approximately 7 percent國內生產總值增長7%左右
3%: Keep increase in CPI at around 3 percent居民消費價格漲幅3%左右
10 million: Create over 10 million jobs in urban areas城鎮新增就業1000萬人以上
4.5%: Ensure registered urban unemployment rate not to exceed 4.5 percent城鎮登記失業率4.5%以內
6%: Increase imports and exports by around 6 percent進出口增長6%左右
3.1%: Cut energy intensity by 3.1 percent能耗強度下降3.1%以上
1.62 trillion yuan: Annual government budget deficit is projected to be 1.62 trillion yuan今年擬安排財政赤字1.62萬億元
2.3%: Deficit to GDP ratio will rise from last year's 2.1 percent to 2.3 percent赤字率從去年的2.1%提高到2.3%
12%: M2 money supply is forecasted to grow by around 12 percent, but actual supply may be slightly higher廣義貨幣M2預期增長12%左右,在實際執行中,根據經濟發展需要,也可以略高些
477.6 billion yuan: The central government will increase its budgetary investment to 477.6 billion yuan今年中央預算內投資增加到4776億元
800 billion yuan: Over 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction and open over 8,000 km of railways to traffic鐵路投資要保持在8000億元以上,新投產里程8000公里以上
800 billion yuan: Over 800 billion yuan will be invested in the major water conservancy projects在建重大水利工程投資規模超過8000億元
7.4 million: Build an additional 7.4 million units of government-subsidized housing今年保障性安居工程新安排740萬套
10 million: Reduce the poor rural population by more than 10 million減少農村貧困人口1000萬人以上
3.1%: Cut the intensity of carbon dioxide by at least 3.1 percent二氧化碳排放強度要降低3.1%以上
3.66 million: Renovate 3.66 million dilapidated rural houses農村危房改造366萬戶